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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  January 24, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EST

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bill: two days in a row now we've had a fascinating hearing. martha: we'll be on tomorrow, bill and i, we promise. "happening now" starts right now. see you next time. jon: right now, brand-new stories and breaking news. weufpl on the grant line, big changes ahead for our nation's military, and the volume edge they bring to the pentagon. plus, what police say a teen suspected of killing his whole family in cold blood did right after the murders. and frigid temperatures continue to grip much of the country with deadly results. it's all "happening now." a huge policy change for our military, good morning to you. i'm jon scott. >> reporter: i'm peup uma
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pemmaraju. leon panetta is going to lift the ban for women in combat hospitalizing occupying up hundreds of positions on the front lines. jon: this presents challenges for the pentagon because military leaders have to decide whether woman should be excluded from some of the more demanding and deadly commando jobs, like for instance being part of the navy seals or the army's delta force. correspondent jennifer griffin is live at passenger. what will this change mean, jennifer for women in the military, many of whom are already serving on the front lines? >> reporter: that's right, jon, remember, 280,000 women have served in the wars in iraq and afghanistan during the last ten years. what this will do is it will open certain positions that they've been barred from in the army and marines. 230,000 positions to be specific that they were barred from participating in, even though many of them were being attached to some of those front-line units. secretary panetta plans to lift the military's ban on women
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serving in combat. that ban has been in place since 1994. the service chiefs have until january, 2016 to seek exceptions to certain things, certain units. women who have been affected by the ban say that they were denied promotions as a result of the discriminatory policy, jon. jon: what about women who are actively serving right now. what is the reaction? >> reporter: the reaction has been welcomed by those who joined the aclu, the american civil liberties union in suing panetta last year for these positions to open up. there were four service members who did sue panetta last year. secretary pa ne panetta had started this earlier in the year. he opened up 14,000 positions earlier this year. this is not new. i spoke to the first fighter pilot to fly in combat and she had this to say about the naysayers. >> the same arguments were being made back then that are being
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made now against this policy change that is happening in order to catch up with reality on the battlefield. and i know air combat is different from ground combat but they were making the same arguments back then, that women did not have the inch turns or the strength to be fighter pilots, and i had just completed the hawaii ironman triathlon, winning the division and beating most of the military men and they said i didn't have the endurance to be a fighter pilot. >> reporter: one marine garnered attention last year when she expressed concerns about this move is captain katie petronio. she wrote in the marine core times last year, get over it, we are not all created equal. >> i found that i broke down and had muscle atrophy and weight loss at a much faster rate and noticeable rate than my male marines. i found myself tripping constantly, my legs buckling,
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falling during firefights. >> reporter: in fact two female marines who were allowed for the first time to go through the infantry officer course that is a brutal ten-week course at quantico, they washed out, they did not manage to make it through that course last year and some marines have pointed to that saying there just are physical differences and this will be very difficult to integrate women to some of the front line positions. that being said secretary panetta and general dempsey will make an announcement later on this afternoon from the pentagon announcing the change on this ban on women serving in front-line positions. jon: despite the announcement the change will be several years in the making. >> reporter: several years but some of the changes will happen right away, actually. jon: jennifer griffin amount the pentagon, thank you. >> secretary of state hillary clinton acknowledging she still does not know what prompted the terror attack in benghazi libya. she niced tough questions about
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the murders of ambassador christopher stevens and three other americans. in at times heated testimony she denied knowing anything about requests nor a digs tphal security before the attack and defended the administration's response. catherine herridge is joining us live at the state department with more. >> reporter: when you take hillary clinton's testimony and you really put it under the microscope what you see are a number of inconsistencies. let's start with what the administration knew within 24 hours of the attack. hillary clinton made the case yesterday that there was a fog of war and it was not at all clear, but listen to this interview with the head of the house intelligence committee who was getting realtime briefings on the situation, this is what he told fox on september 12th, less than 24 hours after the attack. >> it was a coordinated, military-style commando-type raid that had both direct fire and indirect fire, military movements involved in it. this was a well with planned, well targeted event, no doubt
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about it. >> reporter: according to a transcript of an october hearing before the house of government oversight committee charlene lamb who is one of mrs. clinton's subordinates who was charged with security told members of congress that they were able to see what unfolded at the consulate by listening in realtime to an audio feed. but that was a point not mentioned yesterday by mrs. clinton. >> at any time did you see the initial attack on a monitor or the president? >> congressman this was no monitor, there was no realtime, we got the surveillance videos some weeks later, that was the first time we saw any video of the attack. >> reporter: while ambassador susan rice told nbc news in december that mrs. clinton did not ameer on the sunday talk show september 16th suggesting it was because of her grueling travel schedule we heard something quite different from mrs. clinton yesterday. >> i have to confess here in
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public, going on the sunday shows is not my favorite thing to do. there are other things i'd prefer to do on sunday mornings, and, you know, i haven't been on a sunday show in way over a year. >> reporter: it's also worth noting that there was one significant shift in mrs. clinton's testimony yesterday between her first appearance at the senate and then in the house later in the afternoon. when she appeared before the house she conceded that she was aware of some of the incidents in benghazi leading up to the attack, specifically an attack on the cans lit in june where an improvised explosive device blew an eight-foot wide hole in a concrete wall. so it's important to parse that testimony. >> thank you for that update. bill: we will take you to washington where there is breaking news. a number of democratic senators, including senator fine dianne feinstein of california are
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holding a news conference about gun control. she is a vocal proponent of gun control and especially on high velocity magazines and assault weapons. >> as well as congressmanned pearlmutter of colorado who represents aurora, and congresswoman elizabeth este who represents newtown. you will also hear from mayor michael nutter, the distinguished mayor of philadelphia who leads the united states conference of mayor. you will hear from commissioner charles ramsey of the philadelphia police department, the current president of the major city's police chiefs association who will speak about the display of weapons you see to my left. finally we will hear from victims of recent mass shootings. i would also like to recognize other supporters who are here today. on the risers behind me see have
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police officers from several departments, and i so thank you for joining us here today. [applause] i would also like to recognize a million moms for gun control who are represented by mrs. sandberg here today, doctors for america, the american academy of pediatrics and the american federation of teachers. now i'd like to introduce the very reverend gary hall dean of washington national cathedral to open this morning with a few remarks and a prayer. >> thank you, senator feinstein. it is and honor to be here today with you and to share in the work that you and your colleagues and faiths united against gun violence are doing. i have spoken twice at
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washington national cathedral on gun violence, and i've done it in the pulpit and in the media, and in conversation with fellow faith leaders, and with people in my own church. now we have come to the end of the preaching part of our work and we are moving forward today -- jon: we're going to break away from this event in washington. if you would like to continue to watch it we have it for you streaming live on fox in the meantime, this comes amid word one of the president's staunchist allies in the senate, harry reid might go against him with regard to gun control. we have a fox news political analyst with us. it is no surprise that dianne feinstein of california is pushing the gun control agenda. but there are a great number of democrats in the senate who are not necessarily on board with the idea of voting in
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restrictions on guns, and harry reid who has always been one of the president's political allies might be one of them. >> rightfully so, self-preservation in washington d.c. is the first law of nature and these members of congress that represent states that have folks that are against gun control. listen, american people are more astute when it comes to the second amendment and our rights to bear arms. should something be done about violence? yes. but by taking our guns away, and i'm one of the ones that believes in the second amendment that is not the answer. so harry reid, if you recall, was endorsed by the nra, harry reid voted against the assault ban in 2004 and got a b grade from the nra. so if i were giving the democrats any type of advice, they should not follow the president's liberal agenda on gun control. jon: -pt president doesn't have to run for office again. he's won re-election. he has four years to get done what he wants to do. we heard in the inaugural
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address that he seems to have moved -- well he seems to be pushing some more liberal positions than he espoused earlier. you have senators like tim johnson of south dakota. mark udall of corado, maryland drew of lashes all of the democratic senators, all of them from states that do not favor increasing restrictions on john sales. >> then also you have members of congress that are up for re-election, and some of these are blue dog democrats. when people go to the polls if they do not vote their conscience and vote for their constituents, people at the polls are going to give them pain of defeat. when it comes to god in certain states and when it comes to guns people do not go against the grain of what they believe in. so i think that the dscc and harry reid should stand firm and not follow the president's liberal agenda on this. but you do have a strong gun lobby in washington d.c., those
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mountainses for gun control and seeing pastors for gun control it's going to be a tough battle, jon. jon: it will be fascinating to see especially what harry reid does in the months and perhaps years ahead. angela mcglouwen, thank you. >> a philadelphia pediatrician was found bound and burned in her home and now police are making an arrest. a bold move from north korea, the threat that the rogue nation eugs now making against the u.s.
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jon: a fox news weather alert many of the country facing frigid temperatures. mike to be inch is out braving
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the cold for us in chicago. i guess the firefighters are as well, right, mike? >> reporter: they certainly are. there is this remarkable choir in chicago that has turned into an ice castle because of all the water that the fire fighters have sprayed on this giant warehouse that burst into flames. the bad news is that fire won't go out. it rekindled overnight. the firefighters had to get out in the bitter cold of this morning and continue to spray water despite all the ice that accumulates on their ladder trucks and things of that nature. they brought out something now called a deluge pump so they can dump even more water on top of it and that's creating its own problem. this is an old warehouse, the ice is heavy, there is risk of the collapse of that structure. the good news is with five alarm fires you won't necessarily have guys inside. it is dangerous and it's throwing a lot of resources for the chicago firefighters, jon. jon: the rest of the country, how is everybody doing? >> reporter: it is so cold that in parts of new hampshire they are closing down the ski resorts there.
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really the upper midwest and northeast is getting hit the hardest, you're talking about 36 below in the northern parts of maine. 30 below in the northern parts of minnesota people still have to get outside and work in these conditions. you have several deaths resulting from the cold, and through it all the lake effect is now starting to generate some snow. so you may see an end to the no snow accumulation in this part of the country. also, you know, the coast guard does not get to pick the conditions in which they go outside and work, those guys through this bitter cold have been out on lake michigan training, jon. jon: mike, that cubs hat is not insulated i don't think. i mean it's better than nothing but we've got to get you something like janice dean had on yesterday. >> reporter: it keeps me warm. jon: mike tobin in chicago. uma: a new warning from north korea is making news that it will carry out a third nuclear test despite expanded u.n. sanctions after last month's launch. meantime its top governing body
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making clear that the long-range rockets are not only designed to carry satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the united states. molly henneberg joins us live from the state department. this may be a different kind of nuclear test. how so? >> reporter: because north korea says this will be a nuclear test of a quote, higher level. and some experts take that to mean that this is going to be a test of some sort of bomb or device that is made from highly enriched uranium. the previous tests have been done with plutonium. this is significant because it is easier to miniature rice uranium. it could help them figure out how to put a smaller nuclear device that could be carried by a long-range police he will, that's why uranium is significant. we heard 4 north korea's national defense commission say this is a new phase of the anti-u.s. struggle that has lasted century after century, will target against the u.s. the sworn enemy of the korean
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people. settling accounts with the u.s. needs to be done with force not with words as it regards jungle law as the rule of its survival. today's action comes in response to the united nation's security council voting necessary to condemn north korea's long range missile launch in december. they expanded sanctions against the north. north korea did not say when or where this new nuclear test would take place, but some experts say it could happen as early as february. uma. uma: as north korea remains defiant, what has been the reaction from the u.s.? >> reporter: there's been no official comment from the state department, although the white house said in an off camera gaggle recently that the white house is monitoring this and they hope that north korea doesn't go ahead witness. the u.s. envoy on north korea who is in the region for meetings in south korea, meetings with the south koreans, the chinese and japanese had a statement just as this was going out. quote, whether north korea telgss or not, it's up to north korea. we hope they don't do it.
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we call on them not to do it. he says it's not a time to increase tensions on the korean peninsula uma. uma: molly, thank you very much. jon: a woman claims she is the victim of a strange form of revenge after racy pictures we sent to a boyfriend wound up on a porn site after they broke up. well now she is suing and she is not the only one. our legal panel weighs in next. we are the house when it comes to the big game.
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yeah. it's hithing. i don't even participate. boom! here it comes! bring it back! bring it home! [ male announcer ] when you combine creamy velveeta with zesty rotel tomatoes and green chilies, you get a bowl of queso that makes even this get-together better.
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jon: crime stories we are keeping and eye on now. new information on a new mexico teen accused of murder. surveillance video shows the 15-year-old suspect attending church last weekend, just hours after police say he killed his own family. he was later arrested and charged with murder and child abuse.
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philadelphia police arrest an exterminator charging him with the murder ever a beloved pediatrician. a 35-year-old woman was found, bound, and burned and strong eld in her basement. businessman mike strong accused of helping a lexus write running a business. >> one texas woman finding out raiseee pictures she sent to a former boyfriend ended up on a porn site for the world to see. she wasn't aeu loin. she says she recognized more than a dozen other women on that website. now they are suing the site claiming the images were posted illegally and included information that made them easy to identify. we are told there's been an increasing number of such lawsuits targeting so-called revenge porn, when pictures are
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posted by agilitied lover, or a computer repairman or hacker who gets access to the photos. doug burns is joining us now, a criminal defense attorney and former prosecutioner and dan shore, former prosecutor and associate managing director of a risk mitigation firm. glad to have you here. let's talk about this revenge porn. they say they are seeing a lot more of this happening. this woman is saying that she gave the photos to her former boyfriend, and then found them on this porn site. it was also linked to social media as well, which made her very upset that it was easy to identify. what do you make of this case? >> first of all a lot of people, especially younger people don't think about the consequences of allowing pictures of or videos of themselves, another person may have them and they could disseminate it later in the future and there is no way to really stop that afterward. she may have a good suit legally on copyright infringement, many of them are shadowy, they are
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offshore and it's hard to find who to sue and who to successfully sue. and even if you find who to sue it's hard to stop it when it's out on the internet. >> it's difficult for law enforcement to pursue these cases as well. what about using emotional distress as a way to try and fight the case? >> no you're 100% write, that is the actual tort, infliction of emotional distress. working off of dan's point one it may be hard to track them down as a practical matter. two, the lawsuit is actually better obviously against the boyfriend who posted it than the site it would seem to me, and then three, you have a point by analogy to a liable litigation or defamation in general, which is that very often lawyers advise people not to pursue it because it's simply going to highlight it more, you follow me? she initiates litigation and the next thing you know it draws more attention and more people actually looking at the photos. uma: does she really have a right to privacy if she willingly gave the photographs to her former boyfriend. >> she may have a good private to private se on the inch certificate at the time to
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disseminate it publicly. maybe it was given to the boyfriend for private use, the internet site doesn't have a right to publish it so everyone can see it around the world. uma: now she is saying the emotional distress, the fact that it's out on the social media site is a way to target her and other women who are very angry and upset and they want these sites shut down. again it's very difficult to track these sites once they are discovered. >> that's true. the internet as dan and i were discussing earlier it's like this shadowy world its own. when you try to get down to the real world, like an office building, next thing you know heights a post office box and it's very hard to track. uma: hosted this site, they want to go after that hosting site as well. do they have a claim here? >> they can bring a suit. it will be very difficult. these hosting sites have so many sites that have contracts with them. to find them responsible would be a stretch in my opinion. uma: moving to another story, a former north carolina teacher charged with having sex with a
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student used an interesting tactic to avoid jail time. the 42-year-old was charged back in 200 the for statutory rape and taking indecent liberties with a student. after that incident last month she pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. she avoids jail time because since that incident she married the victim. state law says statements about the sexuall encounters are inadmissible if the spouse does not agree to testify. so this was a very clever little tactic that she used. right now they are trying to also determine whether or not this particular situation dates back to 4 when they were actually even tkaeupblg engaged to see if she can till hold on tow thionto this claim. >> you see the femaler being 40 and the victim is 16 people don't take it as seriously. she is still a sexual presented today toefrplt unfortunately it looks like she is getting away
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with doing this with just probation. >> we know the story of marry kay laturno where she was involved with her student. how does this differ. >> it's interesting, i mean it depends on what your moral lens and moral compass is. on the one hand you can be cynical and say they are a sexual presented today toefrplt but when subsequent events turn out that they get up getting married, having a family, you can turn around and argue that it was true love. this gets confusing legally. just because they get married doesn't necessarily mean that retroactively the marital privilege goes back to the time of the events. i think what was posted on the screen was very helpful was that you need the willingness of the spouse to testify. it's independent independent of the phreuf. >> these types of cases don't have physical evidence because they usually aren't forcible rapes, they are statutory rapes. it's really hard to prosecute them without a willing victim.
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with or without the privilege it's hard to get someone to testify against their spouse in a way that will make out the crime. uma: yes interesting. thank you so much for joining us with kwroeurpb sites we appreciate it. jon: police on the scene of a bomb threat now at a public school in colorado, breaking details on that next. plus new questions about what secretary of state hillary clinton may be planning for 2016. this after her testimony in front of congress on the benghazi attacks. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. ♪ [ male announcer ] don't just reject convention. drown it out. introducing e all-new 2013 lexus ls f sport. an entirely new pursuit.
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>> welcome back, everybody. breaking right now, police in denver, colorado, investigating a bomb threat at a public school there. rick is joining us now live with more get tails. -- more details. >> reporter: this school is going to be hut down call day -- shut down all day. it's the bruce randolph school in north denver, and a bomb threat was called in at some point overnight. unclear exactly when. the school district says the swire campus will be closed all day today so that police can do a full investigation. the denver public schools also saying safety is the highest priority, and we're working closely with the denver police department to take all the necessary safety precautions to protect the bruce randolph campus, students and staff. school officials will be updating families and the community in general on the status of that police investigation and also to let people know when that school will reopen.
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back to you. >> all right. rick, thank you very much for updating us on that story. >> iranians need to understand there's no other agenda here. if their program is peaceful, they can prove it. and that's what we're seeking. jon: that's senator john kerry at his confirmation hearing just a short time ago. he is fielding questions one day after the woman he wants to replace, secretary of state hillary clinton, appeared on capitol hill where she delivered a fiery defense of the administration's response to the benghazi terror attack. joining us now, danielle pletka, vice president foreign policy and defense studies, defense policy studies, i should say, at the american enterprise institute. danielle, thanks for being with us. you wrote a column this week in which your first words were it's hard to like john kerry? [laughter] >> well, i worked for ten years up at the senate foreign relations committee when senator kerry wasn't the chairman, he was one of the other members of
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the committee. he's just not that popular on capitol hill. he hasn't worked well with other members. that was one of the problems he had when he ran for president. he's perceived as being stand offish, as being uninterested in their issues and in being kind of doctrinaire on policy. jon: but bob corker, the new mexico senator -- we're going to be talking to him next hour -- had glowing words for senator kerry in the hearing this morning. >> every senator walks into a hearing with another senator who's been nominated for something thinking there but for the grace of god go i. it's a collegial institution, but the collegiality is about a millimeter deep, so they always say nice things to each other. senator kerry promised he would cooperate fully with the committee. i'd like to see it, is all i can say. jon: well, it's a hugely important position. do you see josh kerry in -- john kerry taking our foreign policy in a different direction than, say, hillary clinton has? >> i think part of the problem for senator kerry is exactly the problem senator clinton had when
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she became secretary of state. there is no foreign policy that is made at the state department anymore. this is all owned inside the white house, inside the oval office. even folks on the national security council are cut out of the making of foreign policy. jon: let's talk a little bit about hillary clinton and her testimony yesterday. you have suggested that some of the senators, some of the members of congress who were questioning her sort of missed the point. >> well, there were -- the poor woman, she did do a full day up on capitol hill, and she was certainly very well prepared. the problem was she wasn't well prepared to talk about what happened. she was more well prepared to talk about the aftermath. and, of course, we all know what the aftermath is. what we want to know is how did the administration let this happen, why did the president of the united states and mrs. clinton and u.n. ambassador susan rice and the white house spokesman carney all lie to the american people for a week about
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the fact that this attack was caused in libya by some movie? jon: well, and when she, you know, pounded her fists on the tables and said, you know, what does it matter what the source of in this unpleasantness was, the protests, it sort of seemed to miss the point that, you know, a couple of those security officers died perhaps seven hours into this hours-long attack. and if there had been some kind of response mounted earlier, their lives at least might have been b saved. b. >> no, that's exactly right. and we have a tick tock of everything that happened from the first minute. we've seen the e-mails and the subject lines. they knew it was a terrorist attack within moments. they had a live feed of what was going on inside the consulate. it's ridiculous to suggest that the administration was confused. and yet the secretary was really incapable of answering, and her suggestion, you know, her question what does it matter was
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really, really off base and an indication of just how much this administration doesn't get it. jon: you have said that benghazi, in your view, is symptomatic of the administration's larger policy of retreat. what do you mean by that? >> i think that the problem during the election was that the president wanted to run on the i killed osama bin laden, al-qaeda is on its heels theme. since the election that has become less important, and what's become more important is spending all of their time talking about domestic issues, trying to cut defense, trying to cut our involvement in the world, turning our back on what's happening in places like egypt, places like libya, and, of course, what's happening in syria. not necessarily intervening, but even having a policy to address the challenges to our allies and to our interests in the region, and we don't seem to have a policy on any of this. jon: yeah. even some questions about whether to help the french with their refueling needs as they're taking on the terrorists in mali
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right now. >> that's right. if it's too much to refuel a nato ally while they deal with the shared terrorist threat, what will we do? jon: danielle pletka from the american enterprise institute, it's good to have you on. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> well, secretary of state hillary clinton p wrapping up unfinished business as she approaches the end of her tenure. we'll take a look at how the benghazi terror attack could affect her political future including a possible presidential run in 2016.
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>> new next hour secretary of a state hillary clinton largely getting rave reviews in the media for her performance in yesterday's hearing on the benghazi terror attacks. simple stamp of approval or something more? our news watch panel will be weighing in on that one. a las vegas woman is suing for nearly $10 million
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after a man she met on that dating site nearly beat her to death. does she have a case? our legal panel will be weighing in. and incredible video of a shootout in texas that happened two years ago. bank robbers firing on police in a desperate getaway attempt. more shocking video plus why police are just now releasing it. jon: there's new speck ration right now about the -- speculation right now about the political future of secretary of state hillary clinton. secretary clinton faced the task of providing clarity on what went wrong in libya while protecting her possible future as a possible presidential candidate in 2016. chief washington correspondent james rosen is live from d.c. for us now. so will these benghazi hearings, james, have any impact on hillary clinton's 2016 prospects? >> reporter: well, jon, four years is the proverbial e eternity in politics, and to the eternal truth that anything can p happen, there are probably no
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better witnesses than the clintons. but due to lawmakers' unfamiliarity with the details of the benghazi story and to their ignorance of the basic precepts of basic cross-examination such as the vied about of posing only one intelligent question at a time, secretary clinton faced little peril in her five hours of sworn testimony yesterday. >> if there's a smoking gun of some kind that can go directly to the issue of responsibility and incompetence, then it might matter. but my depress is four years from are now -- my guess is four years from now the country will have moved on. >> reporter: and he added even in the last election in november, benghazi was not among top concerns, jon. jon: so the fwi investigation is -- fbi investigation is still going on, right? does that hold potential jeopardy for secretary clinton? >> reporter: probably not, jon, because the fbi investigation is, as you say, focused on culpability for the actual attacks, not on the obama administration's shifting
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account in the eight days that followed 9/11. the hallmark of that shift, of course, was u.n. ambassador susan rice's appearance on five sunday shows september 16th when she asserted on the basis of of talking points prepared by the ic that benghazi was not a preplanned attack, a position later disavowed by the obama administration as self-evidently untrue. >> so, and we did not -- i think this is accurate, sir, i certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted the ic talking points at the time that ambassador rice went on the tv shows. >> reporter: yet such reports were circulating in clinton's own department and at the national security council where she sits well before rice's sunday show tour. fox news has published internal state department e-mails that noted on 9/11 a claim of responsibility for the benghazi attacks by the terrorist group ansar al-sharia. those e-mails were sent to the
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nfc, the pentagon and to the white house situation room. jon? jon: interesting. james rosen in washington, thank you. >> reporter: thank you. >> well, a mix of brutal cold and dangerous flames for firefighters in chicago battling one of the city's largest fires in year. just when it seemed like they had it under control, there are signs that the fire is rekindling. we'll have the very latest. and millions of americans dealing with these dangerous cold temperatures. the doctor is in with recommendations on keeping your family safe as those temperatures continue to drop. hi. i'm henry winkler. and i'm here to tell homeowners that are 62 and older about a great way to live a better retirement. it's called a reverse mortgage. [ male announcer ] call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money, and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with l.e.d. light
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jon: firefighters in chicago face brutal cold as they battle a new flare-up of one of the city's biggest fires in years. rick folbaum joins us with more. >> reporter: this is the fire that just won't die down, it
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actually started tuesday. firefighters got it under control early yesterday morning, but now it's started back up again, and when the initial call went out, this is what's known as a 511 alarmer. flames so bad, a situation so dangerous that one-third of the city's on-duty firefighters were called into respond. and you can see how bad it got. this is the aftermath after it's been sprayed. now those flames up again. it's an old warehouses building, there was of a lot of timber inside where parts of actually collapsed and put other nearby buildings in danger. and another problem for the fire fighters, those sub-freezing temperatures. water used to put out the fire leading to what's called overspray, and that's led to frozen hydrants and icy conditions on the ground, and roads are now being salted to try to melt some of that. buses have also been brought in to give firefighters a place to warm up. by the way, the last time a 511 alarm fire broke out in chicago,
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jon, it was back in '06, so not something they are used to seeing every day there. we'll keep an eye on this one for you. jon: usually heat is their enemy. this time it's cold can. rick folbaum, thanks. ♪ >> well, those bitter cold temperatures are creating dangerous conditions for millions of americans. temperatures dropping to 27 below in northern minnesota. while the wind chill will make parts of new hampshire feel as though it's 85 degrees below. now, all of this is creating major health and safety concerns. at least four people have died. so the big question, what can you do to protect yourself and your family? joining us now, dr. ernest patty, senior attending physician at st. barn bus hospital. welcome. >> thanks for having me. >> it just takes a few moments to really suffer some serious or consequences. >> definitely. with the types of wind chill factors we're get being the extreme cold, all it takes is a few minutes for unprotected skin
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to be affected by the cold. >> literally, people need to know that dressing, you know, warmly makes a huge difference even though it seems like common sense. >> exactly. we have that acronym that we use, the c.o.l.d. acronym. cover yourself, and that includes areas that are very prone to injury, fingertips, toes, end of your nose, your ear lobes, you know, always you want to make sure that you're not overexerting yourself, baez when you're -- because when you're outside in cold weather like this, you build up a layer of sweat, and that can help you get chilled each more. you want to dress in layers and dress properly for the environment. >> is there a big difference in terms of elderly and young people in ways that tech really get sick and -- they can really get sick and suffer illness? >> definitely. older people have a decreased cold tolerance. they don't sense the cold as quickly as youngereople do. plus they have other health
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concerns as well that affect their ability to be warm and to remain warm in cold climates. they also take a lot of medications which can decrease their ability to stay warm, so they're definitely a high risk category as well as infants. infants really can't tell you when they're cold, and they have a decreased ability to tolerate cold, cold temperatures, so it's important to check on both of those extremes. >> i know you brought some props in to show us what we can do to protect ourselves. >> i did. grandma already taught us this, but maintaining a good diet and staying healthy includes lots of fruits and vegetables. you need to drink a lot of water as well, and people say, oh, why do i need to drink water? your skin gets very dried out during cold weather like this, so you want to make sure you moisturize and hydrate to keep your skin as healthy as it it cn be to ward off the cold. you also want to dress warmly as we discussed, and that includes good clothing, warm stuff that you can wear, and a lot of the
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clothing should be tightly woven because you want it to be able to repel water. wearing clothing if it's wet is really not as good as, you know, it's not as even a worthwhile idea. you want to wear dry, layered clothing. >> some people are frustrated because you're outside, you're freezing, and you come back into the buildings, and it's really hot. they tend not to want to layer up. >> i agree. you're on the subway, you're sweating, you're taking things off. but if you do dress in layers with clothing that's warm, it's sometimes easy to pull your coat off and maintain your body temperature. but it is a challenge in today's society. >> it's a challenge just getting around in these temperatures, but this is very good advice, doctor. thank you so much for joining us. >> with you're welcome. don't forget your new shot. >> absolutely. jon? jon: got it. a new milestone for america's fighting forces. defense secretary leon panetta set to formally lift the ban on women in combat. reaction plus a look at what it means for america's military forces. and she went looking for
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love online but encountered a violent attacker instead. now one nevada woman is blaming the dating site that brought them together. our legal panel weighs in on her $10 million lawsuit next.
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>> reporter: hi, everybody, we're here in the control room. a brand new hour in store for you including the news that the president says he fully supports the pentagon chief's decision to allow women to serve in combat roles in the military. does everybody think this is a good idea? we've got the latest on this milestone moment. also, we'll talk with senator bob corker of tennessee who was one of the senators who got to ask questions of hillary clinton yesterday on the hill. is he satisfied with her answers, and if not, what's next? also, we'll explore a brand new lawsuit that the family of the late football star junior seau has brought against the nfl. they say the sport played a role in his suicide, and the league is partly to blame. our legal panel weighs in, and wait until you hear the very
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latest in the manti te'o case. all of that as the second hour of "happening now" starts right now. jon: senator john kerry warning iran about its nuclear program but making it clear he would rather use a carrot than a stick. welcome to a brand new hour of "happening now," i'm jon scott. >> and i'm uma in today for jenna lee. senate kerry had confirmation hearings today, telling the panel that iran's nuclear program must be stopped, but he prefer sanctions and diplomacy to military action. describing himself as a recovering member of the supercommittee which tried and failed to cut trillions of dollars from the federal budget, senator kerry called on his longtime colleagues to end the political gridlock on capitol hill and get the nation's fiscal house in order. >> no nation is as committed to the cause of human rights as we are. but to protect our nation and
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make good on our promises as well as to live up to our ideals and meet the crisis of this moment, it is urgent that we show people in the rest of the world that we can get our business done in an effective and timely way. uma: or chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is joining us live on capitol hill. one of the hot spots facing the next secretary of spot will be iran, of course, mike. what else did senator kerry say on this topic? >> reporter: well, he sounded very much like a diplomat, talking about the p5 mrs. 1, the group that is trying to contain iran's nuclear am ambition -- ambitions, also made -- here's more from senator kerry a short time ago. >> the president has made it definitive. we will do what we must do to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and i repeat
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here today our policy is not containment, it is prevention. and the clock is ticking on our efforts to secure responsible compliance. >> reporter: of course, the question will be how far the obama administrationing is willing to go -- administration is willing to go. that will be determined over the next four years, and certainly iran and its nuclear issues, its nuclear ambitions will be one of the big subjects on the agenda in terms of foreign policy over the next four years. uma: we saw lots of fireworks yesterday with benghazi, any today so far in this confirmation hearing? >> reporter: you know, not so much. senator marco rubio rattled off a bunch of the hot spots in the world and talked about a lot of the problems facing the u.s. in terms of foreign policy but wasn't so much eventing on senator kerry, he was just essentially trying to lead in terms of saying the way forward on these issues, what are we going to do? the tone was pretty much set by arizona senator john mccain.
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>> should he be confirmed, and i'm confident he will be, i'm sure we will have our disagreements which i know neither of us will hesitate to bring to the other's attention. but i know he will acquit himself in that office with distinction and use his many talents and his indefatigable persistence to advance our country's interests. and i commend his nominationing to you -- his nomination to you without reservation. >> reporter: at this point senators seem to think that john kerry will be our next secretary of state. he is not believed to be one of the more controversial nominations, and so perhaps they will save their fight for a more controversial pick. uma? uma: looks like smooth sailing for the senator. thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. jon: well, our military faces a major transformation. the pentagonner shoe -- issuing a statement officially lifting a ban against women fighting on the front lines. right now we are waiting to hear from defense secretary panetta and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff on a decision that is sparking a lot of
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controversy. >> i feel if a woman is strong enough to stand up and give the oath of enlistment, then she's strong enough to be right up there next to her, you know, other soldiers. >> i found myself tripping constantly, my legs buckling, falling during fire fights, having a hard time responding to enemy contact as far as, um, my response time from when i initially got to country. jon: let's talk about it with a.b. stoddard, a columnist and associate editor for "the hill." what motivated this change, a.b., can you tell us? >> well, um, i think that people who have not informed themselves about this decision might think that it was just an effort to follow on the heels of the repeal of don't ask, don't tell to make the military more inclusive, but it's twails the result -- it's actually the result of women in combat missions for years up officially, the joint chiefs recommending that the ban be lifted because for practical
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reasons they felt it was appropriate that women who can meet the stringent requirements for combat be able to do so. and women have wanted this for a long time, as you know, because they feel that not being recognized for their combat service and not being given the opportunity for combat service prevents them from rising through the leadership ranks in the services, and that's ultimately what they seek is to have the same opportunities as men. opportunity does not mean that they will be selected for that service though. not many women will volunteer themselves, and those who do will have to meet strict requirements. jon: and it doesn't mean that, for instance, the navy seals, that front line combat units or special operators are going to be necessarily -- those jobs are necessarily going to be open to women. >> right. and that's why there's a review taking place right now. there's going to be, you know, um, somewhat of a transition period where all this is, you know, extensively reviewed. but the recommendation was made to lift the ban because they have seen enough women on the front lines to know that the
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opportunity should be given to some of them. jon: americans seem to favor the idea in one survey something like 54% of americans said that they favor the idea of women serving in combat, but, you know, it's one thing to sort of vote from it as an idea. there are only about 1% of americans who actually serve in the military, so many of those voting really don't have any idea what combat is like. >> that is true, and that's why i think if this was a recommendation made by just leon panetta, the outgoing secretary of defense, or just one person it wouldn't have made any sense. but this is a longtime, incoming, these recommendations and these requests have been the subject of discussion within the military and the four branches or for a very long time, and this is why after seeing them in two hot wars perform these duties in combat, they've recommended that some of those opportunities be owned up to women. jon: and what do you know about
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how the men who are currently serve anything the military in some of those front line combat positions, what do they say about all this, do you know? >> well, you know, i don't know. i imagine that it's going to be met with some resistance just as, um, the pentagon is going to go through a very difficult period now. it is not that these decisions shouldn't be made, that the pentagon shouldn't face budget cuts, but if you take the combination of the budget cutting, the integration of women into combat operations as well as the implementation of the repeal of don't ask, don't tell, you're asking our armed forces to go through an incredible amount of change all at once. so the timing presents e nor or mouse challenges for the military even if all of them make sense separately. jon: a.b. stoddard, columnist for "the hill," thank you. >> thanks. uma: and this fox news weather alert, dangerous winter weather causing big problems in parts of the u.s. the wind chill warnings are now in effect, and exposure to icy
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temperatures is being blamed for at least four deaths. but not everyone can stay inside all day as a mail carrier from ohio knows all too well. >> this one is pretty bad. i mean, it's pretty cold. yeah, really cold. um, last year was a piece of cake. keep moving, you know? layers. i have on, like, three layers, and if i need to, i'll take something off, put something on as need be. i used to say the summer was worse, but now i want to say the winter. [laughter] uma: she's a real trooper. sandra lewis has plenty of winters to compare this to, she's been delivering mail for the last 13 years. jon: good for her. and postal workers are not the only ones suffering. a resort in new hampshire deciding it's too cold to ski. the slopes at wildcat mountain are closed today. forecasters are predicting wind gusts that could push the wind chill to 48 degrees below zero. management says it's just too dangerous for visitor and employees, but they are hoping to open up again tomorrow.
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uma: too cold to ski, wow. what folks really want to know, of course, is when this winter blast will move out. chief meteorologist rick reichmuth is joining us now with those details. can you tell us at least when we might hit 30 degrees? >> reporter: yes, i can tell you that. things are going to get better slowly over the next couple of days and then really nice, and then they're going to get cold again. this is what the wind chills are like out across really the area impacted by all this cold weather. 17 in louisville, i mean, the cold air is pretty far south. today's high temperatures, cold still -1 for a high in international falls but up to 10 in minneapolis, that's about ten degrees warmer than a couple days ago. look at tomorrow, we warm up a little bit again, start to see these colors get better. but we're still cold. 29 in new york, 27 in indianapolis, but it's going to feel much better tan it's been. sunday everybody starts to warm up, and by tuesday we're going to see some 50s return across much of this area. it's going to be brief, because
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then the cold comes back. but we also have some problems with some precipitation overnight. this afternoon things are fine, but you start to see this pink show up up overnight tonight, and that's going to be a bit of an ice storm and freezing rain right across the i-40 area, so be very careful on the roads. by tomorrow afternoon across eastern tennessee and into the appalachias. start to see some snow develop, some areas maybe 1-3 inches. bigger problems on the roads down to the south, and after that storm most of us will see things warm up for a couple of days. enjoy those couple of days because then it starts again. uma: i never thought i'd be pining for 30-degree temperatures. [laughter] >> reporter: it's going to feel great. uma: thanks so much. jon: there's a revealing new study on kicking the habit. why quitting smoking at a certain point in your life could make all the difference. plus, a bank robber opening fire with an ak47 from the back
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of this getaway van. bullets fly everywhere. the officer survived, but find out how it ends for the shooter. >> i remember patting the back of my head because i felt that i had the back of my held blown off. [ loud party sounds ] hi, i'm ensure clear... clear, huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've gotine grams of protein. that's three times more than me! [ female announcer ] ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach.
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jon: "happening now," a crazy shootout caught on tape. look at this. transaction prosecutors releasing this video of bank robbery aftermath. police in hot pursuit of the robbers when the officer's dash cam video captures this. one of the perps opening the back door of the van, firing an ak-47, unleashing a hail of bullets. the deputy behind the wheel was shot in the head and left arm, but he survives. a bullet fragment remain behind his left eye. the guy who fired the gun not so lucky, he was killed when the chase ended on a dead-end street. the getaway driver is the one
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now on trial. uma: and "happening now," more evidence it's never too late to kick the habit. a landmark new study is finding quitting smoking can add years to your life and even more if you quit by a certain age. john roberts is joining us now live in atlanta with more on this. hi, john. >> reporter: good afternoon to you. you can add years to your life, but unfortunately, the caveat there is only after you have taken them away. a new study out today in the new england journal of medicine from the centers for disease control has some good news and bad news. bad news first of all. in the study they found that over their lifetime a smoker will take an entire decade, ten years, off their life expectancy. but here's the good news. if you quit by age 44, you can get nine of those years back. if you wait until age 54, you'll get about six, if you don't quit until you're 64 years old, you will still get some benefit, about four of those ten years back. the center for disease control
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hopes these new statistics will be a powerful motivator for people to give up cigarettes early in life. >> there's really, almost nothing else that a person can do where simply by changing one thing about how you live your life you can add ten years to your life o expectancy. >> reporter: another study in the new england journal of medicine today, this one from the american cancer society, tells us again why it is so important to quit smoking. it's because rates of lung cancer and other lung diseases among women have skyrocketed in the past 50 years. here's what the acs found in its study. back in the 1960s a woman who smoked was 3.7 times more likely to die from lung cancer than a woman who never smoked. but by 2010 that risk had increased to 25.3 times a woman who had not smoked. chronic obstructive pull my their diseases, in the 1960s a
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smoking woman was four times more likely to die from those chronic decides, by 2010 that risk had increased to 22.5 times. why, you're asking? it's because back in the 1960s fewer women were smoking, and they tended not to start smoking until later in life. all of that has changed now. more women are smoking more, they're inhaling more deeply, and they are starting at a very early age. dr. lynn electrickenfed of the american cancer society says women are now smoking and dying the same way men are. >> you've come a long way, baby, now has entirely new meaning. and that meaning is not good. as the researchers themselves note and perhaps it's very unvarnished terms, if you smoke like a man, you're going to die like a man. >> reporter: like we used to think with heart disease, we thought when it came to these smoking-related diseases that women were inherently at less risk than men are, but we have discovered with heart disease
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that they are now at greater risk, and we're discovering with lung cancer, these chronic pulmonary diseases, also smoking-related heart attack and smoke, women are actually at a higher risk for many of these than men are. so, uma, there's never been a more powerful message out there for women especially to stop smoking. uma: sobering news, indeed, and thank you, john, for bringing us that story. appreciate it. >> reporter: thanks, uma. jon: secretary of state hillary clinton back on capitol hill today, but yesterday was the day so many had been waiting for. she was speaking out about what happened in that terror attack in benghazi. we'll talk to the ranking republican senator on the committee that investigated that event. he was asking her some tough questions. and dating web site battles a lawsuit from a former customer. this woman was nearly killed by a man she met on the site. now she says the company is responsible to warn users of the risks of online dating.
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uma: welcome back, everybody. right now the popular dating web site is getting ready for a big battle in court. a former customer is suing saying the company gives users a false sense of security when they go out with people they meet on that site. mary kay beckman went out on a few dates with someone she met there, but it didn't feel right, so she called it off. well, that man, wade ridley, then went to her house and ambushed her, stabbing her, stomping her or and smashing her face with a rock. she nearly died. a month later he killed an
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arizona woman he also met on that site. >> he broke into my garage, and when the police arrested him, he said i was not there to hurt her, i was there to kill her. so his intent was to kill me that night. tsa a very traumatic thing for anybody to have to go through. i struggled a lot thinking why did she die and why did i live? hay don't say that one -- they don't say that one in five are part of an attempted murder or one in five are killed. they don't tell you that people are missing. god saved me that night for a reason. i should not be with here today. if i can save somebody from being hurt, um, or, you know, making a different decision with their online dating choices, um, that's my mission and my goal. uma: such a tragic story, and our legal panel is joining us once again. doug burns, former prosecutor along with dan shore, former prosecutor and the associate managing director at kroll.
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gentlemen, this is a very scary story, indeed, something that no one would want to go through. and, of course, will say that they have lots of success stories, thousands of people use their site with no problems. and yet this woman is saying i want that company to have some kind of disclaimer that puts it out there, that you could be harmed if you do go forward and go out with someone from the site. >> this is a tragic case. you have this victim who was brutalized, you have another woman who was actually murdered. the defendant here was convicted of murder and died in prison. the question here is what their duty on the part of to perform some kind of background they check, and even if they did, this defendant didn't have a criminal record. however, maybe there should be more of a warning so people know about the dangers which happen no matter who you're meeting if they're a stranger. uma: i'm but even if you do do a background check, there's no guarantee of that person not doing harm to you. >> i mean, from a legal
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perspective, obviously, you can't protect from unforeseen intense criminal conduct that just comes out of nowhere. theoretically, you can meet and vet, so to speak, somebody socially in whatever context, a party or, a bar, a get together, go out with them a couple of times, and the next thing you know they show up and engage in criminal conduct. i think it's very hard. technically, she has a point which is you should put up there that, you know, this is at your own risk to some extent, and we haven't conducted a check. that might lead people to take it upon themselves to do that. but, again, overall i think the liability of the land scape's a little tricky and potentially difficult. uma: i think a lot of people, though, do have a false sense of security because they're paying to be on that site, so they have a level of expectancy and believe that these people that are being advertised out there, so to speak, are some people that you can trust. >> where right. it's important to know that not just on, but all these dating sites people are generally not vetted by the site and, therefore, they could be
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lying about who they are or they could be who they are, but not all of their past history is revealed. in this case the defendant did not have a criminal record, so it's hard to know what they could have warned about except in general warnings about people going on a site and meeting a stranger saying these people may be dangerous. uma: now to another safety-will re-- safety-related web site. the family of star linebacker junior seau says the defendants were hiding information that linked suicide and head injuries like the kind football players suffer from. say yaw killed himself last year by shooting himself in the chest. now, this particular lawsuit raises some big concerns. from your vantage point, how do you see this? >> well, first, you mentioned the helmet maker, and a lot of experts say rydell's been successful in the sense that the helmet is designed and does what it's supposed to do. now you talk about against the league, it's interesting. the lawsuit was brought in san diego, and they engaged in what
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we called a removal. the defendant has an option to remove it into federal court, and they did that. there's something like 3800 similar cases all before a particular judge in federal court in philadelphia. now, on the merits of the claim, it's a tragic case, obviously. he committed suicide. um, and not to appear callous on any level, though, i mean, there's a tremendous assumption of tremendous risk playing nfl football, number one, and number two, there's a huge scientific battle about that link or cause him to commit suicide. it's difficult. uma: how do you determine that link? >> well, the link is one part of it, and that would have to be based on scientific testimony. the other part is what people knew and when they knew it. the nfl has taken a lot of steps recently, they've changed their rules about helmet-to-helmet contact, people aren't put back into the game immediately if they might have a head injury. the question is, as doug said, what kind of assumption of risk is there, and is there then a claim against the nfl? uma: gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us again with
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your insights. there's a lot of stories making news right now. >> thank you. >> my pleasure. jon: secretary of state hillary clinton ready to hand over the reins of her department following yesterday's testimony about the deadly terror attack in benghazi. but before she leaves senator bob corker wants to know how the state department change its procedures to keep our diplomatic personnel safe. >> what has happened inside to make sure that never happens again? jon: so what was secretary clinton's answer, and did her response satisfy the senator? he joins us live from capitol hill coming up. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth!
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♪ ♪ jon: outgoing secretary of state hillary clinton was hoping to close the book on benghazi during yesterday's appearance on capitol hill. but she faced some tough questions from her critics including our next guest, tennessee senator bob corker. >> what has happened inside to make sure that never happens again? >> we're putting into action steps that we think will help the next secretary be able to make these decisions, be part of these decisions, have more insight into what is going on. jon: tennessee senator bob corker is ranking republican on the foreign relations committee, and he is our guest now. senator, thanks for being with us today. i know you're very busy. are you satisfied that what happened in benghazi won't be
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repeated? >> well, i'm not. obviously, secretary clinton acquits herself well in public. there's no question. but, you know, if you think about it, we have people all over our country today that are unemployed for reasons that, you know, they have nothing to do with. the economy's been slow, they've been laid off. at the state department at present, still no one has been held accountable, if you will, for what's happened. no doubt there were issues arising security wise, there were cables sent. we had forces that were actually taken back away from benghazi. i think you know i was there right after or in libya right after this occurred, and, you know, i still, there's still no one -- not a single person -- has yet been held accountable. so we'll see. i know that she is sending something up that allows action to be taken against employees that don't deal with things in an appropriate way. it's almost, you know, hard to understand that nothing yet has happened. so we'll see.
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there's an arb, as you know, it was talked about a great deal yesterday, recommendations have been put in place. but, again, this is something that actually secretary kerry, if confirmed and when confirmed, will be dealing with for some time. jon: as you know, there have been attacks in the past on americans in troubled parts of the world, the uss cole was attacked and sailors killed, there were attacks on our embassies in kenya and tanzania, you can go all the way back to the '83 marine barracks bombing, if you want, americans attacked without a lot of response. are you satisfied with the response to this point of whoever is responsible for these benghazi attacks? >> you know, i met with the leadership in libya seeking cooperation as we try to find and prosecute the people that are responsible for the deaths. i will say the government there, you know, almost doesn't exist. i don't think people can fully understand how libya is until you're there on the ground.
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there just almost isn't any real government. i know it's been incredibly frustrating for our fbi and others who are trying to bring these people to justice. we think some of them are in algeria and may have been involve inside what just happened there. so, you know, i think this is going to take time for us to bring folks to justice. i think it's actually more of an activity of our cia and other operations, but at present, no. i mean, no one who has killed or murdered four americans there on the ground, no one has been brought to justice. so, again, there's still a lot of work that needs to be done. jon: during her testimony yesterday secretary clinton got quite emotional when she was talking about the motivation for the attacks. she said what does it matter what motivated the attacks? we have four americans dead. >> right. jon: does it matter, in your view? >> well, i do think they were talking past each other. i understand she was really speaking to that moment in time.
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on the other hand, let's face it, one of the reasons benghazi has turned out to be the issue that it is is that most americans feel like that we were misled about what happened. i mean, you had susan rice on five television programs that day talking about protests, and to be fair, all the political spin that occurred during that time at the height of a presidential campaign no doubt has cast much of the shadow over what happened in benghazi from the standpoint of us perceiving what occurred. so, you know, um, i do think it's important that the administration always be truthful with the american people. do i feel like they intentionally misled? i will just say generally speaking i am very unsatisfied with the way the intelligence community communicates with all of us. i really am. and i have a meeting with director clapper in about ten days to discuss this in a very stern way. i think it's a disservice to the american people not to be
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forthcoming especially with an occasion like benghazi. jon: tennessee senator bob corker -- >> thank you. jon: -- thank you. uma: we've got some brand new jobs numbers from the labor department. the number of americans seeking unemployment benefits falling by 5,000 last week to a seasonally-adjusted 330,000. now, that's the lowest level in five years. it could be evidence that employers are cutting fewer jobs, but in recent months hiring has been modest at best. economists say it's been just enough to keep up with population growth. and now to our spotlight on small business. we're talking to small business owners and entrepreneurs about how they're managing to survive and even thrive during these tough economic times. joining us now vincent belisi who is the ceo of ocean save. welcome, great to have you here. >> thank you for having us. uma: this company was born out of something that you felt there was a great need after seeing the destruction from storms along the gulf coast.
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>> that's correct. oceansafe is a new york-based global company that deals with high-performance, green technology, and it's based on these products here which are called structural or insulated panels. what they are are a seal or a magnesium skin panel that is surrounding a core that's, an insulated core of a urethane core. these panels are very, very strong -- uma: they're very lightweight too. >> they're very lightweight. they have tremendous properties. the panels are, become external and lode-bearing walls and roofs to create a building envelope, and it's the envelope that gives us the strength. these panels are very energy efficient with our values up to 60. they have wind capabilities for hurricanes and great or or than 160 miles an hour. we're talking about mold and
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termite-proof. quick-build, and they're preengineered. uma: rust-proof as well, as i understand it. >> that's correct. uma: you're obviously making inroads with the destruction and devastation we recently saw up here with hurricane sandy. >> that's correct. we kind of developed our business model with katrina and learning with katrina what we needed to do for disaster relief and response and understood back then that you had to elevate the houses using this toarl prevent flooding. and here back in our own backyard we have sandy, and still to this date we have thousands of people without homes, without jobs, you know? everybody is struggling right at this point, and we need to do something. in november we put together a seminar where we put together four points of how we needed to start to respond to this. the first point was to get worker housing, you know, using the panels we can build quickly. the second part was to give the people back some type of a home that they can get back to while
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their homes are being reconstructed, so we came up with an emergency response pod which is part of our safe hut division. and these are collapsible trailers that can be put in front of the homes. then we have panels that can be used as curtain molds around the existing -- uma: it's definitely making a difference, and i know you've expanded globally, and that means you're going to be hiring more people. >> that's correct. right now we have an agreement with the global transport in north carolina that we'll be increasing our staff to an extra 303 people. we'll be looking to hire ex-military from north carolina which is a tremendous presence of the military there. we're talking with the wounded warrior foundation to also improve their work flow through our company. uma: so you're hiring out there, and people can come to your web site to see more about what they can do to sign up, and it's great. you're doing very well in these tough economic times. >> thank you very much. we are very pleased to be able to help this way. you know, what i wanted to say
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was that the -- uma: and i know -- i'm running out of time a little bit, but i know it's important because you want to make a difference. >> exactly right. that's what we want to do. appreciate it. uma: jon? jon: secretary of state hillary clinton lashing out at her critics and getting emotional during yesterday's testimony on capitol hill. how was it all received in the mainstream media? our news watch panel weighs in coming up. what are you doing? nothing. are you stealing our daughter's school supplies and taking them to work? no, i was just looking for my stapler and my... this thing. i save money by using fedex ground and buy my own supplies. that's a great idea. i'm going to go...
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home in caskets. and reacting with anger when questioned about the way the administration handled the attack. and the mainstream media seemed to love it. abc's diane sawyer: the indignation and then the tears in her eyes, it was a valedictory that showed her indignation and emotion as she ends this tenure on the public stage. abc's chief global affairs correspondence martha raddatz can brings us the rivets encounter today. brian williams: after four years in office, roughly a million miles flown, 112 nations visited, in the past few weeks alone she has fought illness and injury, including hospitalization. she leaves her post as the most-admired woman for the 11th year in a row. cal thomas is a syndicated columnist, fox news contributors. what did you think about those introductions from abc and nbc
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last night? >> well, jon, if it looks hike a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. and her performance yesterday where she expressed regret, she took responsibility, she was compassionate, she was forceful, and she didn't take any crap, that's why she is receiving accolades. she proved once and again just how strong of a leader she is. so it's no surprise that she's getting glowing reviews for a very strong performance. and it's also not a surprise that there's so much petty sniping happening from the conservative media with rush limbaugh being at the top of the list and what his comments were, you know, accusing her of canned compassion. i think there is no strong woman leader that could make him happy. hillary clinton could save him from drowning x he would still call her a femi-nazi because she was strong enough to lift him
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out of the water. jon: let's play, since you brought it up, let's play a little bit of what rush limbaugh had to say yesterday. >> what difference does it make? the administration lied to the american people. what difference does it make the president lied to the american people? what difference does it make that jay carney lie today the american people? what difference does it make that susan rice lie today the american people? jon: all right, cal, i'll let you take that on. [laughter] in rush limbaugh's view, there were a bunch of lies told to the american people. >> not just rush limbaugh, there are other columns that say much the same thing. it doesn't take a prophet to predict the future on this. the media, having seen itself as helper to barack obama in winning the 2008 and 2012 elections for the first african-american president in american history, now sees an opportunity to part the waters, moses-like, of all the critics and give hillary clinton a free ride.
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she says she takes responsibility, but with where's the accountability? and by the way, traveling all of these miles and visiting all of these countries not only contributes to the carbon footprint that the president as he wants to reduce to reduce the threat of global warming, what has she done? what has she really accomplished in real terms? has the reset with russia worked that she promised? no. has peace been advanced in the middle east? no. are we sending weapons to the muslim brotherhood leadership of egypt? yes. i don't see a whole lot of accomplishments here. but the major media are not going to attack her because she deserves this. she's a wronged woman and, therefore, the presidency is the only objective that will right those wrongs. jon: jehmu, to be fair, to heap the plaudits on her for being so well traveled and so fort is one thing, but you could also say that it was under her watch that the first american ambassador since ronald reagan was killed in the line of duty. murdered. >> well, yes, and she absolutely took responsibility for it and
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made it very clear the steps that have been taken to make sure that something like this doesn't occur. i think one of the things i've been let down with in the mainstream media coverage of this is actually just ap absence of the -- an absence of the recommendation that she laid out so clearly yesterday, the requests that she made of congress, the things that she pointed out that congress could have done to potentially help the situation not happen. that hasn't been covered. but when it comes to her record as secretary of state, i mean, i think even ely lake who was one of her harshest critics or one of the administration's harshest critics regarding benghazi, he called her performance yesterday poised in that she martialed complex facts with flair. her critics who don't want to see her run in 2016 or don't want to see her succeed, they are going to take as many petty shots as possible. jon: all right. >> but i think the fair and balanced folks are looking at
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not just her record, but how she took no prisoners yesterday. jon: there are still questions left to be answered, that's for sure. jehmu greene, cal thomas, we're going to have to leave it thereh >> thank you, jon: we'll be right back. glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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uma: right now the nation is waiting to hear from college football star manti te'o. rick folbaum has the details >> reporter: he made headlines in 2012 for leading notre dame to the national championship game while paying through the personal pain of losing his grandmother and his girlfriend to cancer on the very same day. but reported last week there was no girlfriend and that te'o had been part of a big hoax. he says he was the victim here
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even though he stuck to his story after learning of the hoax. here he is talking to katie couric. >> anybody who puts themself in my situation, katie, put yourself in my situation. my whole world told me that she died on september 12th. everybody knew that. this girl who i committed myself to died on september 12th. now i get a phone call on december 6th saying that she's alive and that i'm going to be put on national tv two days later and they asked me the same question. you know, what would you do? >> reporter: and as if this story couldn't get any more bizarre, take a look at this video from tmz showing an awkward embrace between te'o and the man allegedly behind the hoax. he was the voice on the other end of countless phone calls. according to his lawyer, he was
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impersonating a woman in order to carry on the relationship with te'' o. back to you. uma: thank you very much, rick. jon: yeah, that's weird. we are awaiting a major announcement from the pentagon formally lifting the ban from women in combat roles in our military. what does it mean, though, to national security? defense secretary leon panetta live just a few minutes from now. stick with us.
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>> there's been a big debate on gun violence. does that look scary to you. a school made a big deal about a paper gun. and a philadelphia girl says her grandfather ripped it to make it look like a gun. she forgot it was in the pocket. ap she threw it in the trash. and the teacher yelled at her and searched her in front of


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